Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Language Is The Prime Means Of Communication Essay

Language can be seen, through modes such as body language, hand signals, photographs and pictures. Language can be heard, through conversations, storytelling and music. Language can be standard and diverse, each dialect has a â€Å"standard† form, which other, diverse, dialects branch off. The word language may mean different things to different people. There is no incorrect interpretation of the word language. Many people will have different interpretations of the word language based on their personal background. To most, language is a way of speaking. However, not all language is spoken or heard. Language is more than just words in a sentence. Fellowes and Oakley (2014, p. 18) explain that language can be supported by or replaced with gestures, facial expressions and eye contact. Language is the way in which humans interact with each other. Fellowes and Oakley (2014, p. 17) state that language is the prime means of communication between people. Woolfolk and Margetts (2013, p .97) define language as a â€Å"shared symbolic system for human communication†. Language comes in many forms, including music, mathematics, hand signals, pictures, or the use of the body. Gee and Hayes (2011, p. 6) define language as something that is cognitive, material, social and individual. These different definitions and interpretations of the word and meaning of language only prove that language is not standard. This essay intends to gain a deeper understanding of the role of language in children s lives,Show MoreRelatedEymp 2 - Promoting Learning and Development in the Early Years995 Words   |  4 Pagesgroups, prime and specific areas of learning. Personal and emotional development, physical development and communication and language. The prime areas are important as they lay the foundations for a child’s success in the specific areas of learning. He specific areas are learning are Literacy, Mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design , which provide a range of opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and skills. Personal and emotional development means a childRead More1.1 An explanation of each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent1364 Words   |  6 Pagesthese are the Prime and Specific. Each area is built up of different aspects, which altogether make up the 17 Early Learning Goals. The EYFS also has characteristics that help practitioners understand how the children are learning and what they need to provide to help children progress further. Characteristics help children become motivated and keep trying at the things they are not so good at. The Prime area is split into three different sections. These are Communication and Language, Physical DevelopmentRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Our Lives Essay852 Words   |  4 Pagescommunicate.† This includes nonverbal communication such as proxemics, chronemics, paralanguage and haptics. The way in which we use space, body language, tone and time do indeed, communicate something in one way o r another. Communication is not only evolved by our words. Furthering this recognition, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more lack a majority of these communication components. On a deeper level, interpersonal communication also revolves around these same componentsRead MoreEssay Standard English877 Words   |  4 Pagesin social media settings and in communities of different ethnicities, where they are undeniably required to create solidarity between speakers. Standard English is the variety that has been codified; therefore it is esteemed and accepted as the language of the educated, financially comfortable groups. Its usage is employed in formal occasions such as in an occupational group, political settings or other formal events, to provide a sense of authority and credibility. For example, a doctor.... ForRead MoreFamily Guy Is An American Sitcom931 Words   |  4 Pagesoffensive gesture that means to have sex with someone else’s wife. All people, and even animals, uses communication to transmit messages. However, many factors can warp or change what the sender is trying to communicate. The Texas fan intended to use the hand gesture as a positive message in support of a sports team, but due to the difference in cultural identity, the receiver interpreted it as something very different. Cultural identity, along with stereotyping, language and nonverbal cues, playsRead MoreThe Impact Of Visual Literacy On Today s Technology913 Words   |  4 Pagesand how does it affect our day-to-day lifestyle. As we walk about our daily, commute how does visual literacy compare and contrast in our stride. Can we describe how visual literacy reflects as universal language in our lifestyle? What does the impact of visual literacy have on the communication and global understanding of it as well? Visual literacy can portray itself through so many channels and yet originate at about the same visible definition depending on the way you are describing them. ThereforeRead MoreThe Human Language And Modern Language1179 Words   |  5 Pagesbarrier that limit many animals. But, the honey bee’s form of communication does not allow them to â€Å"speak† of the past or think abstractly, so it is a rather limited useage of displacement. There has not been any animal that can use displacement to the degree in which is used in human language. Traditional transmission: The human language has a very complex structure, one that comprises of systems such as grammar, syntax, and phonemes. Language acquisition in its simplest terms is the process by whichRead MoreLanguage, Language And Language1188 Words   |  5 PagesLanguage, comprising as it does of groups and blends of words, is the prime method for correspondence between individuals. Obviously, language is by all account not the only method for correspondence, yet it is the centrepiece of correspondence in human culture. Language is understood by people in terms of their own social and cultural backgrounds. From when we are born, we learn and follow in speaking socially by imitating others around us (Gee Hayes, 2011). In other words, we learn from othersRead MoreEssay On Bilingualism992 Words   |  4 Pageshave different meanings for language, making it a controversial topic. The essays of Martà ­n Espada, a former lawyer and current professor, and those of the author Richard Rodriguez are p rime examples of the varied interpretations of language. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Earthquake resistance design Free Essays

Columns can sustain two types of Damage, namely axial- flexural (or combined compression bending) Failure and shear failure. Shear damage is brittle and must be avoided in columns as by providing transverse ties at close spacing which carry the horizontal shear forces and hold concrete and vertical bars together. Horizontal Bands and its Role: Horizontal bands are the most important Earthquake-resistant feature in masonry buildings, since it holds a masonry building as a Single unit by tying all the walls together. We will write a custom essay sample on Earthquake resistance design or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are four types of bands in a typical Masonry building, namely gable band, roof band, lintel band and plinth band. Lintel band is the most Important of all, since it ties the walls together and also breaks the monotonous continuity of wall. The gable band is employed only in Buildings with pitched or sloped roofs. In buildings with flat R. C or reinforced brick roofs, the Roof band is not required. In buildings with pitched r sloped roof, the Roof band is very important. Plinth bands are primarily used where uneven settlement of foundation in soil undergoes bending and pulling actions. It will be better to use ARC bands Shear Wall: Reinforced concrete buildings often have vertical plate-like ARC walls called Shear Walls. These walls generally start at foundation level and are contain souse throughout the building height. Their thickness varies from mm to mm. Shear walls are usually provided along both length and width of buildings. Shear Core Shear walls are like vertically-oriented wide beams that carry earthquake odds downwards to the foundation. Just like reinforced concrete (ARC) beams and columns, ARC 6 shear walls also perform much better if designed to be ductile.. Shear walls, if provide around the elevator core or stair well is known as shear core. Boundary Elements: Under the large overturning effects caused by horizontal earthquake forces, edges of shear walls experience high compressive and tensile stresses. To ensure that shear walls behave in a ductile way, concrete in the wall end regions must be reinforced in a special manner to sustain these load reversals without loosing strength. End regions of a wall with increased infotainment are called boundary elements which have high bending strength. Boundary Elements (Design, Location) Short and Long Columns: During past earthquakes, reinforced concrete (ARC) frame buildings that have columns of different heights within one storey, suffered more damage in the shorter columns as compared to taller columns in the same storey. Short Column Behavior: Poor behavior of short columns is due to the fact that in an earthquake, a tall column and a short column of same cross-section move horizontally by same amount. However, the short column is stiffer as compared to the tall column, ND it attracts larger earthquake force. Therefore it cause X-shaped cracks. Short Column (Failure, Location with Mezzanine floor) Stiffness of a column means resistance to deformation -? the larger is the stiffness, larger is the force required to deform it. This behavior is called Short Column Effect. Design Phenomenon: 7 If it is not possible to avoid short columns, this effect must be addressed in structural design. As per Indian Standard the reinforcement must extend beyond the short column into the columns vertically above. In case of stone or brick masonry the width has to be increased accordingly for short column. BEAM COLUMN JOINT: The points where the beams and columns intersect is a beam column joint. Since they too made of same material we can’t expect to have more strength. So have to take care on these unavoidable joints. During earthquake the upper bars and lower bars act in a different direction causing elongation or damage of joint. Design Strategy: In design practice large column size, having large closed loops are placed inside. These should follow some design specification. Normally we will go for the anchoring of the bars at the ends. Micro concreting can be gone in the congested junction. Beam Column Joint (Location, Failure without proper anchorage) Hidden Beams: These are also called as concealed beams which have their depth equal to that of the slab. These can be provided either on longer or on the shorter span. When provided along longer span it is found that the load carrying capacity increase to 135% with an economical increase of just 0. 4 -? 0. 5%. These beams are designed for negative bending moment which is caused due to load reversal expected during earthquake. 8 Hidden Beam Plastic Hinge: As moment increases, the linear stress distribution form persists and the extreme fiber stress reaches the yield stress value. Further increase in the bending moment cannot produce any increased fiber-stress but causes yield to spread into the inner fibers. As the bending moment Increases more and more fibers reach the yield stress until the final state, the whole of the section will yield. The complete yielding across the section of a beam is termed as plastic hinge. The section now carries the maximum bending moment without strain hardening taking place. The beam can carry no further load. Any further load will only result in increased deflection. The beam will behave as if t is hinged at the plastic section and a condition of collapse has been reached. Reduced Beam Section: This is a section of beam which is provided along the length of steel beams. These will have their area of cross section lesser than the proceeding section to an extent that it will just act as a plastic hinge. In case of steel section also a circular arc will be cut in the required flange portion of span. Reduced Beam Section Pre tensioning Technique: In case Of domes and shell Structures, the lateral thrust experienced will be more. This fault is answered well by pre tensioned concrete. In case of huge trustees like nuclear 9 rectors, large spanning domes we will be having a thin walled cylindrical tube of diameter about 10 to 15 CM and steel rods will be packed tightly. Pre tension elements (After Before Concreting) Then stressing will be done as per design and then the micro concrete is injected in pressure into the tube. This setup is then done with normal concreting. It will resist the lateral thrust in an effective manner. Techniques to Adopt on Sky Scrappers: While speaking about large multistoried buildings we can’t simply go in for normal strengthening of beams, columns, and other structural elements. There we had an alternative to speak about some elements such as Bearing, Bracing, Friction pendulum and Dampers which are primarily meant to take Vibration produced by lateral force. Rubber Bearings: Rubber bearings are made from layers Of rubber with thin steel plates between them, and a thick steel plate on the top and bottom. The bearings are placed between the bottom of a building and its foundation . The bearings are designed to be very stiff and strong for vertical load to carry the weight of the building and designed to be much weaker for horizontal loads, so that they can move sideways due to lateral thrust. Rubber Bearing Viscous Dampers Viscous Dampers: Viscous fluid dampers are meant as shock absorbers. They consist of a closed cylinder containing a viscous fluid and a piston having small holes in its head. As the 10 piston move in and out of the cylinder oil is forced in and out causing friction. The damper is usually installed as part of a building’s bracing system using single diagonals. As the building sways to and fro, the piston is forced In and out of the cylinder. Friction Dampers: Friction dampers are designed to have moving parts that will slide over each other. The damper is made up from a set Of steel plates, with slotted holes in hem, and they are bolted together. At high enough forces, the plates can slide over each other creating friction causing energy dissipation. The plates are specially treated to increase the friction between them. Friction Dampers Cross Bearings (In foundation) Cross Bracing: These are very common in case of vertical load distribution. But we can also adopt this technique to foundation, in which the entire building will be laid in a cross horizontal bracing rather than placing it directly on foundation. It will distribute the load to joints and through foundation finally. Friction bearing (Location, Appearance) 11 Friction Pendulum: Considering about the large multistory buildings, we can always expect some appreciable movement in it base due to the vibration. Instead to resist against it completely we can allow the structure to deform at its foundation level by provision of friction pendulum without damaging the structural integrity. How to cite Earthquake resistance design, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

PC Solutions IT Professional Frank Wallace

Question: Write an essay on PC Solutions. Answer: Introduction This report is prepared on the company PC Solutions which provide people with the desktop computers. It was started by an IT Professional Frank Wallace who was the only founder of the company and started as a one-man brand. Initially it started with selling the desktop to the people who used them in their houses. But now the company grew up gradually and has around 75 employees who work under it (Roberts, 1996). This report is will provide an overview of the company and will explain about the problems faced by the company and how they can be overcome. It will explain about the strengths and the weaknesses of the organisational culture. It will recommend a plan for Frank for the areas in which something has to be changed with the ways of implementing the changes as well. And at last it will provide that which leadership role Frank should adopt for the best working within the organization. Problems faced by the Company PC Solutions doesnt work on a very large scale but yes looking to its growth from starting as a one-man brand now has 75 employees. As the organization doesnt have many members so it can be managed easily but still the companies face many problems. The organization is divided into four functional areas- Sales, Administration, Customer Services and Software Development. The company faces some or the other problem in every department. The main problems are the ones that have to deal with the customers (Huang, 2003). The customer satisfaction is must for every organization. The main problems faced by the IT companies are keeping the technology updated, marketing relations, customer service, focusing on the customer feedback. The main problem the company is facing is the management of all the functional departments. The management between the departments is very important. The main problem that should be considered by Frank is the management of activities and the coordination of the work between the departments. For example, if a person calls in the customer service department and complain about the software problem in the PCs then after solving his problem the message should be passed on to the Software Development Department for they should consider this problem and should try that it should not be repeated in the other PCs (Britton, 2013). This can only be done by looking as to why this problem occurred so as to consider them and find a permanent solution for it. The next problem that occurs a lot in almost all the IT companies including PC solutions as well is balancing between the Feedback and Focus. Sometimes the feedback that the customer gives after he uses a particular product is useful for the organisational development as he addresses the new features which he requires in that product. For example, a customer after using the Desktop computer says that it should be sleeker and should be more attractive in its look. So after listening to this particular feedback of the customer the company should focus on the designing of the desktop (Anderson, 1996). The feedback of the customers should be considered and focused as well but the company should never move out of its directions for the change. In other words, if the change needed by the customer will change the product value or its direction then it should not be considered as the feedback of the customer are according to their need and not according the vision of the company. The origina l focus of the company should not be lost. In other words, the originality of the product should be maintained. The customer satisfaction should be the priority of every company. As when the customer will be satisfied only then the company can grow. When the problems of the customers will be solved then they will have positivity towards the organisation which will in all attract more customers towards the organisation. The strengths and weaknesses of Organisations culture Organisations culture represents the organisations beliefs and the principles which have to be followed by the employees and the management. It includes the organisations vision and mission which each and every employee considers for the achievement of the specified goals. It is the pattern in the organisation by which every member solves the problems and deal with the situations in a particular manner. Every situation has an appropriate behaviour which can be used to overcome that problem (Riehle, 2010). Every new member is trained with the culture in the organisation so that he also knows the pattern of dealing with different situation in the organisation. The culture in every organisation is either strong or weak. The strong culture is the one in which all the employees of the organisation follows the appropriate pattern and doesnt slip in applying it. This is called a strong culture as all the problems in the organisation are easily solved by the employees by following their trained pattern (Cusumano, 1998). While on the other hand weak culture is the one in which the values and pattern of the organisation is not followed. The employees are not fully aligned towards that particular organisation behaviour. The culture in every organisation has its own strengths and weaknesses. First taking the strengths into consideration we can say that the strength of the company depends on the thickness of culture which means the amount of values and beliefs it consists (Stroube, 2002). The more values will have more pattern of appropriate behaviour which can provide the employees solutions for almost all the situations. Therefore, the thicker the culture of the organisation the smoother will be its working only if the employees clearly understand the organisational behaviour. In other words, we can say that the thick culture will contain more assumptions and values in comparison to the thin culture. Comparing this strength with our company PC Solutions we can say that the company is thick in its culture as every department is allotted with their own pattern of work and with their appropriate behaviour. The second measure of strength is the extent to which the employees share their experience in dealing with the problems in the organisation. The more the people will share their experience of dealing with the problems there will be an increase in the strength of the company as all the employees will be more sure about the actions that they have to take in dealing with the same situations. Comparing this strength with the company we can say that the employees of the company do not share much of their experience with each other. The company gets much benefit with the sharing process between the workers. The last measure of strength is the clarity in the organisation or we can say the more the transparent the working in the organisation the more it will lead to a better organisation (Martin, 2005). This is the strength of the PC Solutions. The working of the organisation is totally clear or transparent. The person in one department is fully aware of what is going on in the other departm ent. The weaknesses in the organisation affect the working of the organisation. The complexity of the work in the organisation is the weakness of any organisation. If the working in the organisation is complex than it will be difficult for the organisation to train their staff and give them the clear knowledge about the organisation (Swartzlander, 2013). Comparing to PC Solutions the working in the organisation is very clear. In other words, it is not complex. So this is not the weakness of the organisation. Sometimes people dont understand the core values in the organisation which can lead the company into failing direction. The company PC Solutions wants its employee to follow the core values specified. For example, PC Solutions takes more attention towards the customer services or customer satisfaction (Heckl, 2007). So if the new employees or even the old one do not understand this core value of the organisation it is of no use. Frank the leader of the company has to be stricter for that as sometimes some employees are careless for this matter. Sources of resistance to change Resistance to change is the unwanted changes in the organisation from the employees point of view or we can say that when the mere changes in the organisation is not acceptable by its employees. There are reasons why the workers resist changing. The main reasons for resistance to change are insecurity of the employees, poor communication in the organisation, feeling of exclusion if they will not understand it, any benefits or rewards (Lee, 2006). Whenever there is an application of change in an IT company then it is difficult for the employees to unite for the change. As they always want to stay away from the changes because mainly the changes are the updating the technology. So the daily changes in the organisation affect them a lot as they think that they again have to make a deep study to understand it. Sometimes the change doesnt get successful because of the poor communication in the organisation (Wong, 2006). The higher authorities dont communicate in a particular pattern which can be accepted easily by the people of the organisation. Same is with the company PC Solutions the people are not ready for the technology updates as there is a daily change in the technology which gets difficult for them to understand and apply it daily. Sometimes the people in the organisation are in the misconception saying that the change will decrease their value in the organisation. The people are more concerned about their own personal growth rather than the growth of the organisation as a whole. They are unable to understand the fact their growth is directly related to the growth of the organisation (Guide Jr, 2005). As there organisation will grow and be updated with the technology the people in the organisation will automatically grow. As far as planning is considered for PC Solutions the main problem comes in the acceptance of the new technology so the people allotted for bringing or communicating the change in the organisation should be trained very clearly and there should not be any problem relating to the poor communication in the organisation (Himeno, 2001). In other words, Frank should make clear to the changing authority that the people of the organisation should not complaint about the lack of communication from the higher authorities otherwise the people responsible for bringing the change should be penalized. Second problem is the misconception that the change in the organisation will bring a decrease in the position of the employees. This misconception can only be removed by keeping the rewards or benefits for the employees (Widmier, 2002). This will get sure positive results towards the changes in the organisation as the time they will see that the acceptance of change will get them a reward they will accept it as fast as they can for gaining the reward. Leadership by Frank Leadership is the best only when you can get some positive response from your followers. The more positive results mean the role played by the leader is correct. But it is not only related to the response by the followers it should first be compared to the outcomes or the results obtained in the organisation by the methods or strategies applied by the leaders (Wang, 2004). So here Frank can play a vital role in the working of the organisation by playing as a successful leader. Being a successful leader involves some steps that can be followed by Frank. The first step is the clear understanding and interpretation of the business environment. In other words, we can say that it involves the interpretation of the surroundings of the business with the internal environment (Mason, 2006). It is mainly getting the full knowledge about the working of the organisation and then analysing what is right and what is wrong for the organisation. The second step involves developing the strategies for the organisation according to the analysis done. This is a very important part of developing the strategies. The strategies so made should be according to the analysis done in the above step. The success of leadership depends upon this step. The right strategies developed will lead to the better working and growth of the organisation. The third step is the execution of the strategies in the same manner and in the same sense as developed. The correct execution of the strategy is very important otherwise the main use of the strategy will be dissolved. The execution is mainly the understanding of the people in the same sense as proposed by the leader (Breitzman, 2001). The main part is the method of communication which should be chosen very correctly which can lead the execution to either a direct success or failure. The last step involves measure the efforts of the leader on the organisation. That is the measurement of the impact that the strategies have upon the organisation. Whether the changes implemented to the organisation are giving a positive response or not (Wong, 2001). This is the clear leadership role that can be adopted by Frank for his company. The main point is to study the company clearly keeping in mind all the negatives and positives in the organisation. Conclusion PC Solutions is a very successful company as it has been showing growth in its working year after year. This report provides us with the overview of the organisation and mainly the changes that can be implemented for the upbringing of the organisation. The report presents a plan that can be implemented by Frank and the leadership role that can be followed by him for the better working in the organisation (Armistead, 2002). There are problems that will come in his way but the solutions to the problems are provided as well. He is leading the company from past many years so it will not be a difficult task to implement these changes. References Roberts, E.B. and Senturia, T.A., 1996. Globalizing the emerging high-technology company.Industrial Marketing Management,25(6), pp.491-506. Huang, C.W. and Chi-Pang, L., 2003. Using postponed manufacturing to reconfigure the supply chain in the desktop personal company industry: The case of Taiwan.International Journal of Management,20(2), p.241. Anderson, R.E., 1996. Personal selling and sales management in the new millennium.Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management,16(4), pp.17-32. Riehle, D., 2010. The economic case for open source foundations.Computer,43(1), pp.0086-90. Stroube, B., 2002. Desktop open source.Crossroads,8(4), pp.18-19. Martin, D. and Martin, D.M., 2005.The company director's desktop guide. Thorogood Publishing. Heckl, D. and Moormann, J., 2007. Matching customer processes with business processes of banks: the example of small and medium-sized enterprises as bank customers. InBusiness Process Management(pp. 112-124). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Wong, S.C., Crowder, R.M. and Wills, G.B., 2006, May. On a service-oriented approach for an engineering knowledge desktop. InProceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web(pp. 977-978). ACM. Guide Jr, V.D.R., Muyldermans, L. and Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2005. Hewlett-Packard company unlocks the value potential from time-sensitive returns.Interfaces,35(4), pp.281-293. Widmier, S.M., Jackson Jr, D.W. and McCabe, D.B., 2002. Infusing technology into personal selling.Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management,22(3), pp.189-198. Mason, R., 2006.The Company Secretary's Desktop Guide. 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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Orenthal James OJ Simpso... free essay sample

Orenthal James OJ Simpson was born in July 9th, 1947. OJ Simpson was a former NFL football player, actor but also known for murdering Nicole Brown Simpson and the friend Ronald Goldman. Simpson attended college at the University of Southern California USC and was also a football star and won the Heisman Trophy in 1968. In 1994, Simpson was charged with a very huge crime, killing Nicole Simpson and her friend. OJ Simpson was discharged in a criminal trial, although he was found for their deaths in the court. In 2008, Simpson was sentenced to up 33 years in prison for kidnapping and armed robbery of two sports, drug dealers in Las Vegas hotel in 2007. The way Simpson caught attention on the news media, particularly television, was amazing. This was 1994, a harsh, primitive time with just one cable news network, no Internet, no social media, no TMZ. If it happened today, just imagine what would ensue. We will write a custom essay sample on Orenthal James OJ Simpso or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But its to the power of the O.J. story that it could take over the nation in an era when the media were much less pervasive. As the investigation went on the crime was still not collected and with many officers, detectives, and investigators going on and on about the situation all the prints were lost and gone. Some of a the evidence they bagged together causing germs between the evidence. The LAPD is mainly the reason Oj got not guilty by making mistakes that should have not been made. On top of all the security of LAPDs storage and lab were giving access to unattended, 1, 5mL of blood taken from Oj went missing and believed the blood was used as planting evidence, Also, while Ojs bronco was at the impound yard it was entered at least twice unattended. One of the first detectives to show up to the scene was Mark Furhan, all of his evidence was discredited by the prosecution when he was said to be racist and accused of planting evidence. When on the stand he pleaded to the Fifth Amendment so then all of his evidence was ruined.In the criminal case Oj never had to take the stand. In the case Oj Simpson could not invoke the Fifth Amendment, which forced him testify. In conclusion, Oj Simpson was found not guilty. Even with as much evidence they had that lead him to be the murder, you blame the LAPD for him being found not guilty by all the mistakes they made ruining the investigation. I think Oj really didnt do it and all the evidence was planted thats why there was so many crucial mistakes

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Learn About the Von Thunen Model

Learn About the Von Thunen Model The Von Thunen model of agricultural land use (also called location theory) was created by the farmer, landowner, and amateur economist Johann Heinrich Von Thunen (1783–1850) in 1826 in a book called The Isolated State, but it wasnt translated into English until 1966. Von Thunens model was created before industrialization and is based on the following limiting assumptions: The city is located centrally within an Isolated State that is self-sufficient and has no external influences.The Isolated State is surrounded by an unoccupied wilderness.The land of the State is completely flat and has no rivers or mountains to interrupt the terrain.The soil quality and climate are consistent throughout the State.Farmers in the Isolated State transport their own goods to market via oxcart, across the land, directly to the central city. Therefore, there are no roads.Farmers act to maximize profits. In an Isolated State with the foregoing statements being true, Von Thunen hypothesized that a pattern of rings around the city would develop based on land cost and transportation cost.   The Four Rings Dairying and intensive farming occur in the ring closest to the city. Because vegetables, fruit, milk, and other dairy products must get to market quickly, they would be produced close to the city. (Remember, people didnt have refrigerated oxcarts!) The first ring of land is also more expensive, so the ag products would have to be highly valuable ones and the rate of return maximized. Timber and firewood would be produced for fuel and building materials in the second zone. Before industrialization (and coal power), wood was a very important fuel for heating and cooking. Wood is very heavy and difficult to transport, so it is located as close to the city as possible. The third zone consists of extensive field crops such as grains for bread. Because grains last longer than dairy products and are much lighter than fuel, reducing transport costs, they can be located farther from the city. Ranching is located in the final ring surrounding the central city. Animals can be raised far from the city because they are self-transporting. Animals can walk to the central city for sale or for butchering. Beyond the fourth ring lies the unoccupied wilderness, which is too great a distance from the central city for any type of agricultural product because the amount earned for the product doesnt justify the expenses of producing it after transportation to the city is factored in. What the Model Can Tell Us Even though the Von Thunen model was created in a time before factories, highways, and even railroads, it is still an important model in geography. The Von Thunen model is an excellent illustration of the balance between land cost and transportation costs. As one gets closer to a city, the price of land increases. The farmers of the Isolated State balance the cost of transportation, land, and profit and produce the most cost-effective product for market. Of course, in the real world, things dont happen as they would in a model.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Benefits and Challenges of Globalization in Malaysia

Benefits and Challenges of Globalization in Malaysia 1.0 Introduction In this assignment, I need to discuss the benefits and challenges of globalization in Malaysia with relevant real life example. In addition to that, I also need to critically examine with real life examples any three pros and cons of FDI in Malaysia 2.0 The benefits and challenges of globalization in Malaysia 2.1 Benefits of globalization in Malaysia Travel and tourism According to Olivia Ruggles-Brise (2012), the World Travel and Tourism (WTTC) had invested in economic impact research, which assesses that the Travel & Tourism industry had contribution to GDP and jobs. Real life example: Based on the report that proposed by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 2010. Malaysia is the 9th highest international tourist arrivals which had reach up to 24.6 million visitors to the country, increase 3.9% at the end of 2009 performance. Global marketing Pars Articles (2012) had proposed, due to globalization, Malaysia has relied to a large level on gl obal capital and trade flows to push its economy, which the computers and electronics are the main successful items. Real Life example: According to the Government website â€Å"Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation† 2013 report. Malaysia had total trade grew of 1.6% in March 2013 which reach the value of RM114.94 billion compared with Match 2012. Health improvements According to Pim Martens(2010), based on globalization the health improvements had experienced in develop countries due to social and environmental changes, it more recent health improvement in developing countries which can broadly related to health improvements knowledge transfer and socio-cultural determinants. Real Life example: According to Christina Tan (2012), Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai represent The Health Ministry said that they will continue improve the new Kluang Hospital by providing more high technology equipment and upgrade the services of medical staff and specialists with the aim of i mprove the health care system in the country and reduce the infectious diseases. Allow higher education According to Anantha Raj A. (2011), In Malaysia, a lot of impressive change to the function and character of higher education caused by the effect of globalization and the development of knowledge based economy. The main trend is the reorganization and reform of private higher education in Malaysia to make it more global competitiveness. Real life example : According to Anantha Raj A. (2011), the increasing Asian countries with large populations such as China, Malaysia and Indonesia have been moving towards by the policy on globalization of higher education. The demand is predicted to rising from 1.8 million to 8.4 million international students in 2000. (Referred to appendix Table 1 shows the share of tertiary foreign students in OECD countries. 2.2 Challenges of globalization in Malaysia International trade : replica risk According to Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue (2013), there are no nation is self-sufficient in global economy, therefore international trade occur to sell what a country have and acquire what it lacks. However, it involved replica risk during international trade. Real life example: According to Yee Xiang Yun (2012), the price of a branded handbag (Burberry) is RM2,647 at Johor Premium Outlets (JPO) yet at Johor Bharu Sentral had sell product which is similar that sold for only RM69.90. Those replica products look real and it has their own ID card that same with the real one.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Paper - Essay Example Modern world is living in a world of stress and is going through a lot of psychological disorders due to so many factors. Some of them may be individual while the others may come from the family or the society. The modern financial crunch in world economy has increased the fears more. The abnormal psychic nature has led to so many unhealthy incidents in the modern era. There are a lot of incidents in which even the members of the family killing each other without any serious reasons. Studies showed that the number of patients with psychological disorders goes on increasing day by day. There are few schools of psychology which are dealing with psychic disorders. Functional psychology, Structural psychology, Associationism, Behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, and Psycho analysis etc. are some of the common schools of psychology. The method of approach to psychological disorders will be different by different schools of psychology. â€Å"Abnormal psychology can be described as an area of psychology that studies people who are consistently unable to adapt and function effectively in a variety of conditions† (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abnormal_psychology.) A person with abnormal psychic nature will feel, think, speak and behave differently. The classification of normal and abnormal psychology is sometimes difficult. As per the old traditional parents of some countries, the children should be punished by beating them if they make any mistakes. It is considered as normal. But now it is considered as abnormal by certain psychologists. â€Å"Theories of abnormal psychology describe mental illnesses, suggest possible causes of these illnesses, and propose certain methods of treating them. These theories can be divided into four main groups or schools: (1) biophysical, (2) intrapsychic, (3) existential, and (4) behavioural.†( http://www.a2zpsychology.com/articles/abnormal.htm) Physical causes lead

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Smith Radiators Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Smith Radiators Case Study - Essay Example As noted, by being certified by AAI, the organization would tap the opportunity for continued growth. However, a review of their current HR policies revealed that these do not support the current business strategy of a reactor. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses, the organization should address these and eventually assume the business strategy of a defender. There are various weaknesses noted in the current HR policies that ultimately stem for the centralized decision making process and the lack of formal training and development programs. The recommended HR approach that the organization should take should focus on reviewing their policies on recruitment, selection, maintenance (particularly training and development programs), and other HR policies. Specifically, a closer look into decentralized decision-making to involve the management team and other crucial employees would be expounded; (2) a review of the contract and agreement with the Union in terms of benefits, compensation, and security concerns of employees should be delved into; (3) a review of current job descriptions are required; and (4) a closer coordination with other government agencies that affect work conditions such as the Department of Labor, the US EEOC, and the OSHA, must be forged to fit the defender strategy. Question 1: Identify and discuss key issues and problems related to the fit between the organization’s current (implied or stated) business strategy and its (implied or stated) HR strategic plan and practices. Using Miles and Snow typology of organizational strategies, it is eminent that Smith Radiators, Inc. is applying the reactor business strategy in view of addressing the issues presented from the Automobiles of America, Inc. (AAI) letter. AAI proposed two relevant actions that need to be addressed to enable Smith Radiators to continue supplying radiators to them: (1) requirement for Smith

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Opposition to The New Deal Essay Example for Free

Opposition to The New Deal Essay The New Deal, its many Administrations and their policies were making major changes to American Industry and society. As a result of this, some people were quite unhappy and attempted to stall The New Deal. As time went on, FDRs gained more and more power over the reformation of the American economy and businesses. People feared the amount of power FDR had and started questioning his intent. What really caused people to question Franklin D. Roosevelt was his attempt to fix the Supreme Court. As the nine judges making up the court were mainly old and conservative, FDR believed they were too opinionated and too eager use their authority without considering the consequences. Therefore he decided it wise to request he appoint up to six new, open-minded judges. Some people saw this as FRD attempting to tamper with the constitution in order to give himself more power, and it scared them. It was mainly because of this reason that FDRs request was turned down, but the judges certainly seemed to have got the point and from then on were a lot more careful. Republicans certainly disliked The New Deal and found it dangerous. Leading Republican, Frank Knox, summed up Republican views on The New Deal by saying The New Deal candidate has been leading us toward Moscow. By this he meant that with Roosevelts increasing powers and his guidance and control over industry it seemed that he was slowly but surely verging towards communism. They also disliked Roosevelts industrial laws because they took power of the owners and benefited the workers with policies such as trade unions and social security. Some extreme opposition came from a self-educated man with a degree in law after only 8 months he was a shameless politician with no morals and he fought dirty. In order to get where he was he had fixed ballots by placing his own men at available posts in the state government, he had used blackmail and bribery to get votes. Sometimes opponents were as much as kidnapped on Longs orders. Huey Long became US senate in 1930 and claimed that if he were to become president he would adopt the policy of confiscating any personal fortunes of over 3 million U.S dollars and giving $5000 to each and every less wealthy family. Long did not at any point explain how he would do this, but the idea of much needed money being given to them for nothing was jumped at by the poorer families, and Long gained a lot of support. Fortunately for FDR, Longs career ended due to assassination before he was able to challenge him. So with certain aspects of luck, and a well-conducted New Deal, FRD managed to rescue America from its depression without any great hitches. There were careless flaws such as the move Roosevelt made trying to fix the SC without considering the consequences, but in the end all went to plan and opposition was only opposition, and not a threat to the New Deal.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Analysis Of Star Wars Essay -- Papers

Analysis Of Star Wars This essay will be analysing the opening sequence of Star Wars. It will be focusing on camera angles, binary opposition and codes and conventions. This film is a typical example of sci-fi, we can tell this by the use of visual codes and convention. The film is set in space and Spaceships are in conflict with each other, there are lazers being fired, robots are running around and there is a clear divide between good and evil. At the beginning of the sequence there are words scrolling back into the distance telling a story. This sets the scene and lets the audience know what is happening. When the last of the words have faded the camera tilts down to reveal the surface of a planet. A small ship flys by, then a much larger ship follows. This second ship almost fills the whole screen, which gives a sense of fear and feels slightly intimidating to the audience. Whilst the two ships are battling, the Rebels ship has its main reactor shut down; the Rebels ship is the smaller of the two, and is now unable to move anywhere; we know this because of the first two characters we meet, C3PO and R2D2, these are the two main robots in the film. C3PO is a narrator figure, he tells the audience what is going on and what could happen; He is also the one in panic whereas R2D2 is very calm and laid back. There are many close ups of each robot so the audience feels connected to them, especially C3PO because he seems human. But even though R2D2 is not human people can still connect with him because he is slightly comic in the way he makes noises and the way he talks to himself. Also each robot has its own colour t... ...if that is spiralling too. The camera cuts to outside the Pod; from here it is very clear that the Pod is spiralling down almost out of control. It fades into the distance until it can't be seen. Cutting between characters is sometimes quite rapid in a time of panic of confusion. It's used to show different emotions in the same situation. The camera angles in the film are varied to show different feelings and emotions. For example, when Darth Vader is introduced the camera is tilted up to show he is tall and powerful. Colouring is also very clear, right from the time the audience board a ship it is clear which ship they are on, this is because of the robots colouring and the humans' clothes. The robots are decorated with friendly colours, white, blue and gold, and the humans' clothes are plain with no armour.

Monday, November 11, 2019

American Culture vs. Jewish Culture: Success Stems from Beyond Marriage

To the modern married woman, nothing assures her of success in her career more that the support she receives from her husband in the pursuit of her career goals. While this kind of support is not always assured, the freedom to pursue her goals without any limitations from her husband works just as well.In fact, women have proved that they can multitask between marriage and a successful career. The medieval idea that a woman is only useful for reproduction purposes once she gets married does not hold water anymore. Through the ages, women have proven their resilience at defying all odds and proving to the word that they are worth more than the domestic roles they were given at marriage.Throughout history, the role of married women as wives, mothers and housekeeper was of much importance both to them and to the family unit.   In Judaism, these roles received respect and were the basis for the exemption of women from time barred commandments (Jones, M. 1999). Accordingly, the role tha t the woman played was given overriding significance to fulfilling commandments.Anti-feminists have over time used the exemption rule that Jewish women enjoyed to state that in actual sense the rule was a prohibition that women should not perform commandment. Although they are the epitome of feminine liberation, many people may not know that Jewish women have overtime fought for their liberation by quoting phrases that favor their position in the society from the  Ã‚   Talmud (Jones, M. 1999).Such rules allow them to perform commandments that are not time restricted. However, the detractors argue that even though they are recognized, as worth some services, they are not as highly rated as their male counterparts. To this, the women argue that the role a wife does not revolve around the synagogue. Many women hold this role in high regards and as a basis of fighting their critics.To understand the situation that women had to contend with through the centuries, one needs to look at t he evolution of marriage through the times.In the older days, marriage for women was out of lack of a better thing they could engage their time in all areas of life. Women were disadvantaged and never gained the skills required to lead successful lives without the support of the socially advantaged male figure.In most cases, women had no control over certain like education, as their roles were purely reserved for domestic duties. Early in life, young girls were taught that their sole purpose was marriage and child bearing (Gordis, D.H. 2008).When they were ripe of age, and considering that, the society had created a dependant mentality in them, the women were under pressure to get a suitable husband and get married. Ideally, the man was supposed to provide for the woman and any dependants that resulted from the relationship.The woman’s social standing was so low such that they would be used to secure business transactions. Accordingly, the fathers were at liberty to sell thei r daughters to whoever pleased them, whether the woman liked the man they were being sold off to or not.The 17th century however had better things for women. They begun to exert more power to the men and consequently demanded for more freedoms.They begun to resist marriage through coercion and instead put their personal happiness beyond  Ã‚   the pressure from family and the society. Though the start was shaky, the wars that hit America in 1775 and 1812 led to the rise of a more liberal group of women,   who took the roles that their husbands and still brought food to the table as well as handling their regular domestic chores.It has always been a common view for women to be seen as the source of human life- something they take pride in. The problem is that with this view come other negative thoughts too.Good examples are thoughts expressed by Thomas Aquinas, a theologian in the 13th century who said that men can be assisted by fellow men in other things except in conception. Fo r this reason, he referred to women as men’s helpmate and defined her unique role as conception.A Latin Church founder in the 4th century, St. Jerome also cast demeaning aspersion to women just like Thomas Aquinas did. To Jerome however, women were the devil’s gate. In fact, his sentiments were so string that he believed that women were the only way to wickedness and thus to him they were no more than perilous objects that men had to be wary of (Hooker, R. 1996).Naturally, women are considered the weaker sex, a fact that continued to perpetuate their low position in society. Because they were not as masculine as their male counterparts, they were relegated domestic chores such as milking cows, tending the children, drawing water and washing clothes.Men were oblivious of the fact that the energy required to do the collective household chores was even more than some of the hard labor than would do in the fields.   The psychological tolerance that women developed while attending to such chores was to benefit them years later  Ã‚   when the oppression against them by men became too much to bear.The â€Å"woman’s place is in the home† stereotype is a result of their biological role as birth givers. Before the 16th century, women did not express themselves in a way to portray that they were tired of the status quo. Instead, they submissively obeyed everything that the male figures in their lives would tell them to do. These male figures could be anybody from their fathers, husbands, brothers or cousins.The American CultureWomen present in the colonial America –whether black, natives or Hispanic- all had one common characteristic; they all obeyed the dictates of their husbands, fathers, brothers or masters.   Ã‚  It was not until later when British Settlers enlighten the view of these women and by indicating to them that men did not necessarily have to be rulers over them.A point in the case of John Locke, an English philosoph er   Ã‚  who was also renowned as an enlightenment thinker   and played a   major role in informing the American women that they had   individual identities   and needed to   care for ‘the self’ Shultz, S.K and Tishler W.P. 2003, pg 45).The American culture was such that a woman had no property rights. They could not sue, nor be sued and had no right to vote, divorce or speak on behalf of the family unit. It was until the 19th century that women gained rights to divorce and vote.The right to vote was granted to them through the passing of the 19th amendment in 1919. Eleven years earlier, women’s efforts to have a day set in their honor, which they wanted to name Mother’s day, had been rejected by the senate on the grounds that the day would demean motherhood (Shultz, S.K and Tishler W.P. 2003 pg52).The American Revolution which lasted for the better half of the 18th century was an eye opener for most women. One of the outstanding factors is tha t women’s roles at home changed. This because they were required to instill thoughts of patriotism to their children during a time when the husbands were out fighting the Britons.The absence of a male figure at home also contributed to more liberal wife-husband relationship. When the economic fortunes took a turn for the worse, women invariably took jobs formally reserved for men to earn extra money for household use. In rare cases, they would run the family businesses (Hartman, M.1996 pg 44).Surprisingly though, the little gains that American   women had   made during this time only worsened   men subordination towards them especially   because   they figured that women were threatening their roles as the head of household. Worse still, the laws saw to the disenfranchising and subordination of women both socially and legally (Lewis 2000).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Imperialism AP World Paper Essay

Imperialism has been a driving force behind progress and advancement in the human race for centuries, however, it has also resulted in the destruction of a collection of weaker nations. European, as well as some Asian and American powers, has applied imperialism to their advantage. The states that they have imposed imperialism on have benefited from this occurrence. This is proven by multiple documents given. However, the indigenous peoples of these nations have faced violence and oppression. This is also proven by multiple documents. One will clearly see how both arguments are true after examining the following evidence. Often the imperialist nations benefited from their imperial practices, and so did the natives of these lands. An example of how this is true is seen in document two, which is an excerpt from an article by O.P Austin, â€Å"Does Colonization Pay?† in The Forum, 1900. Austin explains how the nations that have been imperialized (i.e. Africa, Latin America, and A sia) have benefited from this practice in several ways. â€Å"Progressive nations develop the territory by building roads, canals, railways, and telegraphs.† By giving these nations infrastructure, the progressive nations also allow the indigenous peoples to â€Å"†¦ establish schools and newspapers for the colonies and give these people the benefit of other blessings of civilization which they have not the means of creating themselves.† This idea is also shown in documents one, five, and seven. Document one is an excerpt from an article by Parker T. Moore in Imperialism and World Politics, 1926. It explains the vast economic benefits the imperialist nations received from imperial practices. Moore discusses the profits the exporters and merchants, as well as the bankers, and the military leaders have received. The article also briefly delves into how these economic gains aid the â€Å"inferior† nations as well. Along the same lines of the previous article cited, it goes into how the lesser nations received infrastructure such as roads, canals, and water transportation. In document five, a passage from a West African nationalist, Sekou Toure, 1962, it shows the benefits of both the homeland and the industrial lands. It is probing the idea of pro industrialization in Africa and explains how each side is benefiting. Lastly, Document seven exemplifies how indigenous and foreign peoples benefited from imperialism. â€Å"Englishmen†¦ have given the people of India the greatest human blessing – peace.† This shows how the  British established control over India and changed it for the better. India was introduced to modern infrastructure as well as a strong government. The British brought to India â€Å"†¦ an administration that is strong and efficient. They have f amed wise laws and have established courts of justice.† The Indians have clearly benefited from Britain and the British also have benefited, most famously in the vast opium trade. The trade of opium from India to China is a huge part of the economic gains seen by the British, as explained in the report, â€Å"Opium and the British Indian Empire: The Royal Commission of 1895† by John F. Richards. He states â€Å"British and Indian traders sold Indian opium to coastal Chinese traders. They, in turn smuggled this illegal but valuable product along the numerous rivers to inland markets.† Documents six and nine display quite similar arguments as to the ones previously stated. Document six, a statement by Cecil Rhodes, one of the wealthiest and most successful imperialists of the time, is explaining how he feels imperialism benefits both sides of it. He feels that Britannica should spread its influence worl wide, for they are the most superior race, and that they should fill up as much of the globe as possible. His vantage point on the situation is clearly biased. He is supporting imperialism, for he himself has also greatly benefited from it, and expresses this through what many today would call, racism. Document nine is a famous poem by Rudyard Kipling, titled â€Å"the White Man’s Burden† and also explains ideals eerily similar to that of Mr. Rhodes. He feels that it is the civic duty of the whites to civilize the indigenous population. Based on the preceding evidence, one can clearly see how imperialism benefited both the imperialists, and the natives. Although imperialism had its upside, there was a severe snag in this policy. The policy of imperialism caused oppression and violence in the nations it was imposed upon. This is shown in multiple documents given. One example of this is seen in document three. This is a political cartoon titled, â€Å"Learning civilized ways is hard work†. It shows a white military leader sitting in a carriage being pulled by two workers, one being Asian, and the other an African. This is clearly depicting the exploitation of native labor by the imperialists. This obviously does not benefit the indigenous population. The same idea is displayed in documents eight and twelve being  a political cartoon and an excerpt from a report respectively. The political cartoon depicts an African native being put into a piece of machinery, with gold flowing out. There is also a priest standing next to this machine. The African in the machine represents all of the natives being exploited for their labor and the gold pouring out represents the resources that the imperialists reaped from the land. The priest is shown in order to deliver the fact that the powers imposed their religion upon the inhabitants. The report is of a dialogue by an African tribesman who is pleading with the white men to lessen the oppressive tactics they are practicing. The African justifies this by the fact that â€Å"†¦ we are dying fast. We are killed by the work you make us do†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The oppressors also created carnage in their wake. This is exemplified in documents four, ten, and eleven. The example of carnage spoken of that is perhaps supreme, is in document four. This is a West African verse, and it describes the horrors that African live through. â€Å"The white man killed my father†¦ the white man seduced my mother†¦ the white man burnt my brother beneath the noonday sun†¦Ã¢â‚¬  These lones explain how natives were murdered, raped, and forced into slavery. This author’s point of view was obviously one of anger and frustration. This is justifiable given the atrocities that have been committed against him and his family. Documents ten and eleven also display similar types of crimes as shown in the aforementioned example. Document thirteen is a statement made by an Englishman named J. A. Hobson explaining the reason why imperialism should not be employed. He believes that it is a depraved and self -serving policy that is oppressive and brute like. This author is clearly against imperialism because he feels it is not beneficial to the native population. Hobson’s point of view is clearly swayed, being so most definitely because he either feels sympathy towards the natives, or he himself has been wronged by the powers of imperialism. One type of document that would be advantageous to include in those that were given would be a population chart. This chart would illustrate the population numbers of locals before the wave of imperialism in certain regions, and then during, and then after. This would allow for the reader and the writer to gain an understanding of the true carnage caused by the imperialists with factual numbers and populations. â€Å"Imperialism is a progressive force for both the oppressors and oppressed.† This statement can be efficiently argued on both sides. The evidence given can effectively be used to argue either side. Different peoples have different perspectives on this topic, naturally because they have different point of views. Both faces of this debate are convincing to their side, as both use personal accounts, factual evidence, and first hand examples.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Islam and Fundamentalism essays

Islam and Fundamentalism essays The impact of Islamic Fundamentalism on the World as it relates to terrorism. Muhammad was born into the trading society of Mecca in 570. He was a part of one of the dominant tribes, the Qu'raish.1. Mecca was a great trade city and was a stopping place for merchants and businessmen of all races, religions, and countries. In general, it was open to the world. Although Mecca continually struggled for supreme power and went through many leaders, Mecca's strength was the ability of the people to form a common mind for the "common good" . Not much is known about this man during the first forty years of his life other than the fact that he married a rich widow and later they had a daughter, Fatima, who became the wife of the great warrior, Ali. However, around 610, Muhammad claimed that after meditating in the desert God had revealed many messages to him concerning life. These revelations came from the angel Gabriel, who Muhammad claimed God had used to call him to publish his religion . Muhammad's revelations were written shortly after his death and they are now called the Qur'an. After these experiences in the desert, Muhammad claimed to be a prophet of God with the great desire to guide others by God's message. So, he began to preach to those around him in. The people of Mecca at this time were involved in a religion called Ka'aba meaning "black stone," in which they literally worshipped a black stone. Those following this religion believed that many objects, other than the black stone, possessed spirits and power. Therefore, Muhammad's message asserting the lordship of Allah was not well received at first. The people called him a sorcerer and false prophet and claimed that he was possessed2 and in 622 Muhammad was forced to flee Mecca. He had been condemned by Meccan authorities who held to Ka'aba3 (Guillaume, p.124). This escape is now called the year of the Hegira ("Flight") and marks the first year on the Muslim calendar1 (A...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The American Dream - Essay Example The most basic comparison is that both American residents as well as these illegal immigrants want to live the American dream but the catch here is that is that although the goal is the same but the environment that the American nationals have is in stark contrast to the facilities that the illegal immigrants have, since they are illegal immigrants they can never have the same facilities that proper American nationals enjoy because no one would be willing to employ them not only because it is illegal to do so but also because the illegal immigrant might move out any time. The values of freedom of speech, equality and opportunities for every one have become so embedded in the American culture that every one is able to make use of them and enjoy them, so the illegal immigrants are also able to enjoy this culture so both the groups have a same working environment but the fact remains that illegal Mexican immigrants will never be given the status of citizens and hence never be entitled t o the American citizenship or American dream. In contrast when these Mexicans cannot find proper jobs according to their academic qualification, they take up petty jobs and therefore do not continue to look forward to the material well being and in affect stop believing in the American dream.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International relations war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International relations war - Essay Example Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy defines war as â€Å"an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political communities† (Orend 1). From these definitions war can occur between people, cultures and states. War is usually aimed at having power over the other person. An overall definition of war is continuous violence between groups in which state military forces take part on one side in case of a civil war or both sides in case of interstate wars. There are different types of war which are triggered by different situations. Hegemonic war also known as global war or world war or general war is a war aimed at controlling or conquering the whole world. It last happened during the Second World War. Where a state attempts to conquer and occupy another state, it is referred to as total war. The aim of the state is to reach the capital city and force the government to surrender. The whole of the enemy’s family is perceived as a legitimate target. After conquering, the victor replaces the subdued government with its own choice. An example of total war is the 2003 Iraq war. In limited war, the conqueror aims at doing other things apart from conquering and occupying the state. It is a common phenomenon in border wars, after occupying the state it wants, it may stop there to defend its gains. An example of such a war is the U.S. war against Iraq in 1991; U.S. recaptured Kuwait but did not go further to topple Saddam Hussein’s government. Civil war occurs between some groups within a state with the aim of creating, or preventing a new government for the whole state or some parts of it. Guerilla war is operated by illegal forces that are hidden by civilian population. They rarely confront an enemy; instead they harass and punish the enemy for a long time till the enemy limits its controls. Finally the enemy loosens its grip on the territory and liberates it to the guerrilla army (Eckbaull 1). A simple definition of strategy can be a means of solving

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Madagascar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Madagascar - Essay Example The population of Madagascar in 2012 was 22,293,914 (â€Å"Madagascar-Population†). Food in Madagascar comprises rice as an essential element. The national dish of Madagascar is Ramazava which is made with mixed greens and beef sautà ©ed with onion, tomato, and ginger. Although Malagasy food is reasonably spicy for the most part, yet Piri-Piri is an extremely spicy pepper paste commonly used in Malagasy food (â€Å"Madagascar: Food†). Ancestors in the Madagascar society remained united and were against segregation. Forming a wonderful amalgamation of language, religion, and tradition, these ancestors set the pattern of modern culture in Madagascar. The contemporary society of Madagascar is a fine blend of modernism and traditionalism. Malagasy is the main language spoken in Madagascar and the origin of this language is linked with Maanyan that is the language of South Eastern Borneo (â€Å"Society and Culture†). Cargo boats are the main transport means on the northeast coast of Madagascar. They are not very safe means of transport particularly when they are overloaded. Boat travel is unsafe on the east coast specially during the rainy season. International Driving Permit (IDP) is required to drive car or motorcycle in Madagascar. MadaBus is a long-distance bus company that operates on Tamatave and Toliar routes (â€Å"Getting around†). Formal education appeared in Madagascar in the modern sense for the first time in 1820 when a school was established in Antananarivo by the missionary David Jones from the London Missionary Society (â€Å"Education in Madagascar†). Madagascar is one of the poorest countries of the world in spite of its cultural and biological richness mainly because of economic colonialism, kleptocractic rule, lack of infrastructure, and lack of adequate educational system (â€Å"Why is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Out sourcing man power strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Out sourcing man power strategy - Research Paper Example Finally, I give high regards to my parents who assisted me financially and in advisory terms. This inquiry is directed at analyzing the current state of the HR outsourcing market in Borouge and the trends that are dominant in the same. Today, in this epoch of globalization, there is a high level of competition in all arenas (Anikin & IL, 2009). One really significant trend in the recent times has been the maturation of human resource outsourcing. The dynamic nature of the market and global competitive pressures in the organizations are inducing the organizations to concentrate on their burden clientele (Baca, 2009). Many organizations are rapidly identifying that they cannot provide everything to all consumers. For that reason, many companies are opting to outsource some of their HR for specific purposes in the organization (Coase, 2005, pp. 2-3). Where they let somebody else manage the rest in a more effective and cost-effective fashion. As a consequence, human resources outsourcing is becoming more and more dominant. The number of organizations outsourcing HR roles are con tinuously growing, and the scope of outsourced HR activities continues to inflate (Allen, et al., 2003, pp. 1-2). Outsourcing has become a normal response in the management and technology resources that encourages strategic measure in enhancing quality services and reduction of cost of running businesses effectively (Baca, 2009). Companies where organizations outsource their HR function hires professionals who have the knowledge and resources expected for the specifically fulfil the client’s needs partially or wholly of a clients’ human resources role, leaving the customer to streamline their internal operations and focus on getting profit in their burden clientele (Coase, 2005). With the increased globalization, outsourcing has become a crucial aspect in efficient administration of a business.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights â€Å"Peace, in the sense of the absence of war, is of little value to someone who is dying of hunger or cold. It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. It does not comfort those who have lost their loved ones in floods caused by senseless deforestation in a neighboring country. Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free† HH Dalai Lama. Human rights refer to the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled† (United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 2009). Perhaps basic human rights are the most violated rights in this developing and competing world. Human right watch explains, â€Å"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brother hood.† When we think about this globally, globalization has vivid effects on human rights. The poor farmers in Africa cannot compete with the global powers or global markets. They spend their entire lives in their fields for livelihood. Moreover, when they try to sell this in their own markets they have to lower their prices drastically to compete with the products from other parts of the world. Community is the most delicate part where human beings live and interact with their environment. Communis is a word derived from Latin where com means together and munis derived from Etruscan meaning to have charge of. In biology, community is a group of organisms where they interact to each other while they share a common space, which is called the environment (Alpert 2001). Sociologists explain community as a group of people living in a common location with shared interests. These shared interest can be environment, basic needs etc. Globalization is a not a new phenomenon. It began in the 19th century but slowed down during the time of First World War and started growing again in the 20th century. â€Å"Globalization is a widely-used term that can be defined in a number of different ways. When used in an economic context, it refers to the reduction and removal of barriers between national borders in order to facilitate the flow of goods, capital, and services and labor, although considerable barriers remain to the flow of labor† (The United Nations ESCWA). Globalization is an integrative concept where nations come together and open their doors for free trade and exchange of commodities and interests which is mutually beneficial. Human scholars over the years developed theories, concepts and law and order that help sustain societal order and ensure survival. Human rights are basic rights of human beings that include, access to food, water, space, right to property, religion, and right to self etc (Kuijer 2004). The early 1600s to 1800s are always mentioned as the black years because human rights violation was a practice in the form of slavery and racism. The excellent movie named Amazing Grace, directed by Michael Apted depicts the severity of the practice of slavery, slave trade and how William Wilberforce, worked hard for 5 years just to pass the abolishment act of slave trade in UK within the House of Representatives. In the ancient times, each society had their own laws, rules and regulation where a group of seniors defines justice for the entire population. Even now when we look at Amazon tribes, American Indians, Kalahari Bushmen, many tribes in Africa, each has their own law and order. The writer believes that the human rights are well kept in their societies and communities. Of course, they have fighting and quarreling, but the casualties can be counted on two hands when compared to fighting and quarreling in a so-called developed society. In the movie â€Å"The Gods must be Crazy†, one can see how the Bushman thinks about us, the so-called developed people as illiterates. He says that we cannot even sense our own environment; he could not understand why the two soldiers were fighting. When he found a dying elephant with its tusks removed by hunters from the developed world, he asked why the illiterates took the unwanted part (the tusk) and left the good part (the meat). He passed the news to the nearby community and his family to gather the meat. The writer would like to emphasize this mentality that many of the tribal people share but many of the developed communities do not. Human rights and justice are very closely associated. Justice determines human rights and human rights promote justice. The writer would like to focus on one area of human right violation. During war, construction works etc. many times the nearby populations are affected; they are either displaced or killed during war. When we look at development all over the world, people with the money and government with power decides what to do, where to do and when to do. Many of the times, poor people are displaced from their own environment, their own communities where they have emotional and other ties. Is this a violation of their rights? The interview revealed a great amount of the stress hidden among administrators in nonprofit organizations. In many work places, unethical problems happen. It can range from unethical service to sexual harassment. Sexual Harassment is one of the most deadly of the all. It can be explained as patterns of behavior like teasing, commenting etc. to actual physical contact. In the interview, the administrator shared how the students and the faculty found it very hard to complain about a professor who was behaving inappropriately. But the writer does not believe in dismissal of the person. However, the writer would like to look for behavioral modification techniques or early adulthood behavioral training etc. Peter Singers arguments are largely ethical and it is not always self-evident and obvious. The far away people will always find more immediate concerns like the above without thinking much about his mentioning about starvation, diseases, global warming, justice and globalization etc. However, the writer also thinks the ideas of Singer can definitely spark alternative ideas in the individuals who wish to bring their own communities and societies a change. The writer always wonders whether the principle of greater happiness or Utilitarianism and altruism is ever practical in this developed world other than those in untouched and far away tribes. Bibliography Singer, Peter, One World: The Ethics of Globalization, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002 Sen, Amartya. Utilitarianism and Welfarism, 1979, http://www.jstor.org/pss/2025934 Accessed on June 8 2009 Alpert, Peter. â€Å"Concept of communities.† In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, vol. 5, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 282-91, 2001 Kuijer, Leiden Journal of International Law (1997), 10 : 49-67 Cambridge University Published online by Cambridge University Press 02 Mar 2004 United Nations University, â€Å"Globalization† 2009, www.unu.edu/globalization, accessed June 8 2009.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Jose P. Rizal :: essays research papers

In full, JOSÉ PROTACIO RIZAL MERCADO Y ALONSO REALONDA (born 19 June 1861, Calamba, Philippines- died 30 December 1896, Manila, Philippines), patriot, physician and man of letters whose life and literary works were an inspiration to the Philippine nationalist movement. Rizal was the son of a prosperous landowner and sugar planter of Chinese-Filipino descent on the island of Luzon. His mother, Teodora Alonso, one of the most highly educated women in the Philippines at that time, exerted a powerful influence on his intellectual development. He was educated at the Ateneo de Manila and the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. In 1882, he went to study medicine and liberal arts at the University of Madrid. A brilliant student, he soon became the leader of the small community of Filipino students in Spain and committed himself to the reform of Spanish rule in his home country, though he never advocated Philippine independence. The chief enemy of reform, in his eyes, was not Spain, which was going through a profound revolution, but the Franciscan, Augustinian and Dominican friars who held the country in political and economic paralysis. Rizal continued his medical studies in Paris and Heidelberg. In 1886, he published his first novel in Spanish, Noli Me Tangere, a passionate exposure of the evils of the friars rule, comparable in its effect to Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. A sequel, El Filibusterismo, 1891, established his reputation as the leading spokesman of the Philippine reform movement. He annotated an edition in 1890 on Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, which showed that the native people of the Philippines had a long history before the coming of the Spaniards. He became the leader of the Propaganda Movement, contributing numerous articles to its newspaper, La Solidaridad, published in Barcelona. Rizal's political program, as expressed in the newspaper, included integration of the Philippines as a province of Spain, representation in the Cortes (the Spanish parliament), the replacement of the Spanish friars by the Filipino priests, freedom of assembly and expression, and equality of Filipinos and Spaniards before the law. Against the advice of his parents and friends, Rizal returned to the Philippines in 1892. He found a nonviolent reform society, La Liga Filipina, in Manila, and was deported to Dapitan, in northwest Mindanao, an island south of the Philippines. He remained in exile for four years, doing scientific research and founding a school and hospital.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Philosophy Of Nursing Essay

Abstract A nursing philosophy explains what nursing is and why nurses practice the way that they do. A philosophy of nursing is usually created by an individual nurses for use in their daily practice. Nurses use their personal philosophy to explain what he or she believes nursing is, the role of nursing in the healthcare field and how the nurse interacts with the patient (McEwen & Wills, 2014). A Nurses philosophy of nursing can guide him or her in practice each day. Before one can explore their own personal nursing philosophy they must understand how nursing theories and philosophies directly affect each. The philosophy of nursing has been defined as the study of problems that are ultimate, abstract and general (McEwen & Wills, 2014). These problems are concerned with the nature of existence, knowledge, morality, reason and human purpose. Philosophy tries to discover knowledge and truth and attempts to content to identify what is valuable and important  ( McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 25). Philosophy’s most basic level, theory, has been described as a systematic explanation of an event in which constructs and concepts are identified and relationships are proposed and predictions made ( McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 25). With that being said it is easy to see how a nurses’ philosophy can determine what type of model or theory he or she uses to guide the care he or she provides. Just as nursing theory can help to develop a nurses personal philosophy, it is as important to acknowledge that nursing theories and philosophies both provide a way for a nurse to approach daily practice and individual patients. Personal Philosophy My personal philosophy of nursing is not based on a single theory but is a melting pot of many theories that has evovoled as my care has evolved over the years. My individual philosophy of nursing has resulted from being the product of an underserved community and seeing first hand how a healthcare provider’s individual bias can have a negative effect on patients outcome. Nursing is considered the art of caring and is translated into existence by doing what is right, what is good and ultimately in the best of the patient. I believe that nursing care should be transcultural as well as culturally caring. Just as Florence Nightingale investigated what could be done to address the connection between poverty, sickness and early death during the Crimean war, I believe nursing today should focus on the identification of poverty and discrimination as important contextual factors for an understanding of social vulnerability to disease . I believe that cultural competency should be the driving force behind care and that nursing must seek to address health disparities and risk reductions in doing so. As  nurses as we tend to focus on patient education, interventions, treatments and diagnoses but forget about the human rights aspect and dignity of those who may be social outcasts or of inferior status. It is my philosophy that in order to provide culturally competent care to the underserved and disenfranchised one has to have an understanding of there own value system and biases. The health promotion model of Nola Pender is deep rooted in my philosophy because I believe as her health promotion model states, humans have the potential to change and engage in new behaviors willingly to achieve self-selected goals or outcomes. I believe that we all go through various stages when seeking to make health related changes and it is that intervention  which is preformed at the right stage that will have the maximum impact in ensuring that the behavioral change will become a lasting one. This weeks readings have influenced my view points by helping me to explore the various nursing theories and providing a framework for which to base my own personal nursing philosophy on. The readings have also help me to realize that I had already established my own personal philosophy based on my own personal values and professional growth as well as patient encounters, interactions and knowledge but had not thought of it in abrader sense. Philosophical foundations Leininger’s cultural care theory of diversity and universality is based on a belief that people from different cultures can inform and are capable of guiding professionals so that they may receive the kind of care they desire or need from others. A major concept of this theory is cultural competent nursing care uses culturally-based care and health knowledge that is sensitive, creative and meaningful, in a ways to meet the general and needs of the individual or group. An example of this is when my Hispanic patient  asked me about the use of herbal supplements to address their medical illnesses. In an effort to provide care that is culturally competent I take the time to research the herb which the patient wishes to use to see if it will have a negative interaction on the prescribed treatment and if not, not only will I allow the patient to use them, but I encourage it’s use as well, while reinforcing to the patient the importance of continuing to use what I have prescribed also. Another example of culturally competent care use in my practice is with flu vaccines, I have found in my practice that a lot of african americans decline the flu vaccine for fear of post  vaccine illness. I respect the patients right to autonomy, but also educate them on the risk and benefits of the vaccine with hopes that at a subsequent visit they might change their mind. Philosophy and Knowledge Development Knowledge development is derived from philosophy and I implement this in practice by providing culturally competent care based on Leininger’s cultural care theory of diversity and universality. Leinger’s theory states that people from different cultures can inform and are capable of guiding professionals so that they may receive the kind of care they desire or need(Tomey & Alligood, 2006). This is why I actively involve the patient in his or her care. Positivism and Post-positivism Positivism supports mechanistic, and reductionist principles, where the complex is best understood in terms of basic components (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Post-positivism accepts the subject nature of inquiry while still supporting rigor and objective study through quantitative research method and is concerned with explanation and prediction of complex phenomenon, and recognized contextual variables (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Positivism is concerned with the positive application of knowledge to assist in human progress. In Nursing Positivism can be used to guide care. Conclusion This paper has given me the opportunity to recognize that I have always had a philosophy of nursing. Through self exploration this paper has given me an opportunity to put into words how highly I regard care being provided in a culturally competent manor, because it is by way of cultural competency that we can reach our truly most vulnerable population. References Flaskerud, J. (2007). Cultural competence: What effect on Reducing health disparities? Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 28(4), 431-434. Maze, C.M. (2005). Registered nurses personal rights vs. professional responsibilities in caring for members of underserved and disenfranchised populations. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14(5),546-554. McEwen, M & Willis, E. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health. Tomey, A.M. & Alligood, M.R. (2006). Nursing theorists and their work(6th edition). Philadelphia, PA: Mosby.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mass Marketing and Direct Marketing

Mass marketing is the traditional method of selling while direct marketing is a new innovation in marketing and advertising. The former, which is usually employed by large companies, is the more costly method since it targets a broad market while the latter, which is favored by small and medium scale organizations, is relatively cheaper as it is aimed at a specific target market. Mass marketers sell their products with the use of the mass media such as national television, newspapers, radio, and widely circulated journals and magazines. Its use of the mass media makes it a relatively expensive way of marketing because of the cost entailed in attempting to reach a wide audience through a single television spot or issue of a newspaper or magazine. However, advertisers and sellers consider the method somewhat indispensable because the products that they are selling are either attractive to or are believed to be essential to people from all walks of life who are watching television, reading newspapers or magazines, and listening to radio programs. Some of the products which are mass marketed are different brands of bath soap, detergent bars, toothpaste, and face powder. In the 1960s, before the advent of direct marketing, only big advertisers could usually afford to market products using the mass media due to the prohibitive costs involved. For instance, during the 1980s, a national television network charged an â€Å"average cost per thousand viewers† of $16.79 for every spot which lasted for thirty seconds. In other words, if the network reached ten million households, a 30-second spot would cost the advertiser $167,900 (Bianco, Lowry, Berner, Arndt & Grover. 2004). Compared to mass marketing, direct marketing is relatively new. This concept, which involves reaching individual customers through telephone calls, electronic mails, or the postal service, caught fire during the twenty-first century. A survey conducted only in 2006 which covered some 500 direct marketers and service providers worldwide and released January 11, 2007, found out that â€Å"85% of respondents expect their online direct marketing expenditures to increase in 2007† (Direct Marketing News). This system of marketing heavily relies on a customer list created, maintained, and regularly updated for the purpose. Organizations who employ this method claim that their marketing efforts are measurable in terms of responses or feedbacks which they receive from their target customers (Business Link). Evidently, mass marketing, although more expensive compared to direct marketing, could not be dispensed with by marketers who want to sell their products in large quantities to a multitude of consumers. This is because a company who targets millions of people just could not afford to contact them directly and individually. Works Cited Bianco, Anthony, Tom Lowry, Robert Berner, Michael Arndt & Ronald Grover. â€Å"The Vanishing Mass Market.† BusinessWeekOnline. 12 July 2004. 9 July 2007. Business Link. Direct Marketing: the basics. 9 July 2007. Direct Marketing News. â€Å"Alterian finds 85% of marketing and service providers plan to Increase Online spending in 2007.† 9 July 2007. http://www.dmn.ca/Click/articles/vol109/vol109_b.htm Â